February 20, 2011

the art of driving, living

learning driving was not that difficult. i had an early advice from a friend -- driving is not about speed and applying brakes. It is all about managing distances! with him as a pillion, i hit a bus from behind, unable to calculate his speed. All you have to do is to ascertain the speeds of other vehicles and positing your own accordingly.
Life in a way is akin to driving. life is all about managing relationships. just like you keep off the bumpy roads, keep off those relationships which always leave you bitter.

1 comment:

  1. Heyyyyyy!

    KN. That was a short, sweet and philosophical piece. Keep it up. I am also enthused to write short pieces and post in on my blog www.indeworld.blogspot.com.

    Ashamed to say that I have not written anything for months now.



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